Google and Facebook develop the libraries and frameworks of Javascript. Javascript is an interpreted and dynamically typed programming language. Node.js is a javascript runtime that helps Javascript on web development. Javascript is a high-level client-side programming language that is easy to learn. Learning and coding of Java language is more complicated than other languages.
The android operating system is a Java-based open-source operating system. Java can run all platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc. Java allows the application developer to write and run programs anywhere. Java is used in a wide range of applications on the web, mobile, and desktop. It is easy to use, easy to debugging language with large scale integration ability and good user interaction. Java is a powerful general-purpose program language that allows programs written in various languages to run. The Java program works as a platform for various devices and software. R language used by Google, Uber for big data analysis purposes. R language also supports deep learning libraries like MXNet, TensorFlow, or Keras. R language programming offers vectorial computation, functional programming, and object-oriented programming. R languages used by banks to the predetermination of various risks. R language is used for data analysis, big data modeling, and visualization. RODBC, Models, Class, and Tm packages are assisted by AI. With its advanced features, R language provides the fastest solution for AI language. It is a standard language that is used in finance, biology, sociology. R language is widely used for statistical and numerical analysis.

It is not possible to develop mobile applications and games using Python programming. Python language is a fast prototype making language when compared with other languages except Java. Python is a general-purpose programming language used in various domains and technologies. Numpy, a library of Python, is used to solve scientific computation. AIMA, pyDatalog, simpleAI, EasyAI are the general libraries for AI available in python. It takes less development time compared to other languages. More standard libraries are available in Python than other languages. Python is a high-level programming language.

Python is a widely used best language for AI programming due to its ease of programming. LISP can’t match with the present day’s advanced requirements as it is developed earlier. LISP is a traditional AI language which is harder for programming and learning. LISP is a group of programming languages like Clojure and Common LISP. The unique features of LISP migrated to other languages also. It allows rearranging the program while running also. LISP creates objects dynamically, acts as automatic garbage collectors, and they are excellent in prototyping. AI was developed in 1959 by John McCarthy the father of AI. LISP is the first language developed for artificial intelligence programming. Here is the list of best programming language for AI.

You will be amazed to learn about the exciting features of top AI programming languages. The working of an AI tool depends on the type of programming. User preferences can be identified with the help of AI. All social media sites use Artificial intelligence integrated with machine learning. Due to the recent outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic, artificial intelligence robots reduce the risk of shredding of disease to healthcare workers.ĪI programming is performed with artificial intelligence mark-up languages. It will assist the machine in making its own decision. AI is a branch of science that will make the computer think smartly.

The need for artificial intelligence is vital and well needed in feature to enhance the living habitation of humans and other living and nonliving organisms. AI paved a new field of research in the last decades in various areas such as automation, medicine, military, aviation, agriculture, production, and stock markets, and so on. In recent days advancement of technologies leads to self-learning machines with artificial intelligence. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest